Tuesday, July 7, 2009

long day.

Nathan tried to watch a little HGTV, but he had a long day.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

the new guy.

As soon as Hudsen came in to see Nathan for the first time, he promptly introduced himself. And then he showed him how to use the recliner (he wanted me to face Nathan toward the chair to see.) It's all business for Hudsen.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

nathan caleb adams.

Life is good. Nathan Caleb was born yesterday at 2:58pm. He's healthy, and he weighed in at a hefty 5 lbs 13 oz. Sorry for the blurry BlackBerry photos.

Monday, June 15, 2009

realistic vs. abstract.

Slap a large pricetag on it, and someone in the Bay Area is sure to take notice. Our little artists left the other parents disappointed and the other kids in tears at a recent showdown at Royal Oaks.
That was over the top and borderline rude. But it's late, and I am entertaining myself now.

tennis champ.

Maddie did tennis earlier this spring. She did awesome. As a lefty, she'll be every chick's worst nightmare in high school...not that we're thinking that far ahead or that we've been told that lefty chick tennis players get sweet scholarships or anything like that...

right on time for easter.

Here are buds Hudsen and Luke @Easter.