Tuesday, November 25, 2008

we got a dog (photo)!

WE GOT A DOG! Her name is "Precious." We found her cold, wet, and dirty in a rough neighborhood. No, we didn't get a dog. I stole this photo from someone's blog. I just wanted to test out adding a photo to a post.

The dog really is cute, though. It probably is dressed up in little dog outfits frequently. I mean, the dog looks like he/she is seriously posing. It's kind of ridiculous.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and we promise to add real photos of the Adams 4.5 soon.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

the first step.

This is big for us. We are embarking on a new technology; one that's only been around for about half a decade. In 2008, we traded up for an iPod and we started texting; nothing can stop us now. Bring on the blog, baby.