Tuesday, November 25, 2008

we got a dog (photo)!

WE GOT A DOG! Her name is "Precious." We found her cold, wet, and dirty in a rough neighborhood. No, we didn't get a dog. I stole this photo from someone's blog. I just wanted to test out adding a photo to a post.

The dog really is cute, though. It probably is dressed up in little dog outfits frequently. I mean, the dog looks like he/she is seriously posing. It's kind of ridiculous.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and we promise to add real photos of the Adams 4.5 soon.


tmartin said...

Caleb, I didn't release the rights to this photo yet. It's cool though. Since my dolphin training didn't pan out I'm really trying to break out on the photography scene. I figure if I put my time in with the local SPCA and Times-Delta I can work my way into Hollywood. Paris will be calling me for some glamour shots of Tinkerbell in no time. Spread the word!

caleb and nik said...

Thanks. And I'm sure your photo career will work out better than the dolphin training fiasco. Hopefully, Sea World will drop the lawsuit.