Monday, December 8, 2008

the baby!

Last Monday, we had our first ultrasound and saw the heartbeat for Adams #5 - either Nathan or Camille. Today, Nicole felt the baby move for the first time. Only about five more months left for me to convince Nicole that a van is cool.


niccolo said...

very cool adamses.

Shannon said...

That's one CUTE gummi bear!!! And Chunk ... trust me, the van is SOOOOOO cool. You will LOVE it. Seriously ... when you have the new baby's carseat slung over your arm (could those be any more awkward to carry?), you're carrying Hudsen b/c he refuses to walk at that moment, you're losing control of your diaper bag, Maddie's backpack, your cell phone, your DIET PEPSI ... you'll be THRILLED when those doors come sliding open ALL ON THEIR OWN!

Besides, it's what's on the INSIDE that makes it cool, right? (That would be YOU, the driver.) GET A VAN!!!

Oh, and if you need any more convincing, just think of the GOOD TIMES we had in the Hellstern Family Van! Seriously ... it was cool. We were cool. You are cool. VANS ARE COOL! :>

(There, Caleb, you owe me one ... that took every last bit of energy I have ...)

Shannon said...

Caleb ... though this has nothing to do w/ this post, I wanted to say I am SOOOOOO with you on serial comma thing! Drives me bananas. I don't understand why it's not considered common sense.

caleb and nik said...

Shannon - I owe you on the van props. Keep it coming. And as far as the serial comma, print journalists are the worst: Let's make it nice and confusing and keep the reader guessing on when the list ends.

caleb and nik said...

You're right, Niccolo. You're right.