Sunday, March 22, 2009

hangin' tough.

I mentioned me being an idiot. This post isn't about that, but it doesn't help me at all.

In the past year, I've had to get tough with a few people. "Perps" as I like to call them. Shady people. People who may threaten the neighborhood.

#1 - My neighbors are yard decorators. You name the holiday, they got the lawn ornaments. Yard spirit like no one's business.

I was up late during Christmas time, and I heard the rumbling of a truck. I looked out to see a truck parked in front of the neighbor's yard w/ its lights turned off. I knew immediately that this was a case for Sheriff Caleb. I saw a shadowy figure running across the lawn. "He must be trying to steal my neighbor's reindeer!" I said to myself. Oh no he wouldn't. So I courageously ran outside and yelled at the perp. He drove off like a scared puppy; I went back in side victorious. I had just stopped a thief. I stared down unlawfulness in the face, and I didn't even blink.

The next day, I eagerly jumped at the chance to tell my neighbor that I had practically saved his family with my courage.

Here's the conversation:

Caleb: "Hey, Jim."

Jim: "Hi, Caleb."

Caleb: "Anything missing from your yard? I scared off a thief last night."

Jim: "No, but two of the reindeer were in a position that generally produces more reindeer."

Well, you can imagine my disappointment. You'll get to read about my next "courageous" moment in the next installment of "hangin' tough". For now, we need to play Scrabble.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

HAAAA! I think you missed your calling in life, Caleb! Stopping "lewd acts" like these is critical to neighborhood peace and safety, afterall! LOL. ;> Keep up the good work, Sheriff Adams!

P.S. Who knew Scrabble was where it's at? Maybe I'll give it a shot ... though Brian has been known to cheat when it comes to word games. Playing Scattergories w/ him is an exercise in futility for sure.

P.P.S. Still waiting for b-day shindig pics ... so stop Scrabbling for 10 minutes and POST THOSE PICS!!!