Tuesday, February 3, 2009

it's a boy!

Nathan Caleb

Hudsen is getting a brother (and so is Maddie)!

It's a boy. We don't have any pics up, but trust us when we say it's a boy. We'll spare you the black and white image.

Hudsen calls him "Nay-fin".

I always wanted a brother and I am so happy that Hudsen will have one!

Time to get to work on the rooms. Both the kids' rooms are getting an overhaul. Our budget is $200K.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Even though I should say, "Quit copying me!" ... I can't help but say, "WOOOHOOO!"

So thrilled for you ALL! Yeah!

"Nay-fin" is going to be "Way-FUN"!

(Super cheesy, I know, but c'mon ... it's cute, right? Just a little?) :)