Thursday, January 29, 2009

well, well, well.

Apparently a boy named "McKay" thinks he has a crush on Maddie. Messengers Sam and Reid told Maddie so. Well I'd like for Sam and Reid to send a message back to McKay: come back in 15 years, buddy. I don't know what's going on in Room 11 @ Royal Oaks, but perhaps Mrs. Rook and I need to have a talk.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

A boy named McKay. Hmmm. That's, um, different. (But who am I to talk ... we're picking a "different" name for this one, too, I suppose. But my name is cool. :>)

But anyway, I digress ... what I was going to say is: Can you blame little McKay? I think I have a crush on Maddie! Seriously, that kid is BEAUTIFUL!!!