Thursday, January 29, 2009


Fresh from the groomers, Anabelle and Sebastian (Sea-bass) pose for the camera. We have joint custody with Ron and Renee. But it's okay - we're all really good friends. We get along a lot better this way.

Dog profiles:
Anabelle - she is the leader. The alpha male. After all, it's 2009. Plus, President Obama just signed into law that deal on guaranteed equal pay for women who do the same job as men. She is the explorer; she hears the mysterious noises; catches the mysterious scents; she is the hunter. She gets it.

Sea-bass - Ahh, Sea-bass. Sea-bass is a very special dog. We are really looking forward to Sea-bass's brain developing a lot more. He is really good at jumping, barking, and following Anabelle. Sea-bass would not make a good subject for Pavlov's dog experiment. He doesn't get that barking = water bottle spray to face.
Anabelle, feeling rather awkward and embarrassed by Hudsen's Irish jig dance in the middle of the kitchen, pretends like it's not happening.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Okay, so I know this isn't the point of this post ... but YEY for Hudsen doing an Irish jig! Haha. Brenna is practicing daily for Irish Dance School, which she will be able to attend when she turns 5. I'm sure there's one somewhere in the Valley for Hudsen to go to? Irish dancing is SO COOL! Goooo Huds!