Thursday, January 29, 2009

No, we do not force the kids to keep a hand on Nicole's stomach - at least not more than a few hours a day. Nicole and the kids will be featured in our local hospital's next magazine/newsletter (my company does the design and most of the writing for it.) There's a feature on the hospital's maternity ward expansion and there's a blurb on how our baby will be one of the first to enjoy it.
PS: Monday (Feb 2) is the big day for the ultrasound! Will it be Chuck or Suzie? Oh, the suspense! Actually, I can guarantee it won't be a Chuck or a Suzie.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

"No, we do not force the kids to keep a hand on Nicole's stomach - at least not more than a few hours a day."

Okay, honest to goodness, that nearly made me wet myself. You can't say funny things like that around pregnant people - we have weak bladders! HAAAAAA!

And Nicole - you look wonderfully, fabulously GORGEOUS. I hate you ... in the most loving way possible, of course. Dang. Now I REALLY feel like a mutant. :(